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Journalism and The Novel by Doug Underwood
In the middle of the contemporary novel, Long John Silver, a fanciful accountof what happened to Robert Louis Stevenson’s treacherous and enigmaticpirate hero, there appears a character based upon a real-life literary figure whohas long intrigued journalism and literary historians: Daniel Defoe, theeighteenth-century novelist and journalist who in Bjorn Larsson’s fictionalmemoir – meets Long John Silver while putting together a book aboutpirates.Sitting in a London tavern that looks out upon the town gallows, Defoedescribes himself to Silver as “slinking around like a criminal, condemned formy opinions … no more than a shadow, a word on everybody’s lips exceptmy own, a supposition, a murmur in society.” Of his writing philosophy, hescoffs at how easily English readers are deceived and how badly they want tobelieve that Defoe’s characters, including his pirate heroes, were real. “I havebeen laughing up my sleeve,” he says.
Perhaps it also is fitting that Defoe has emerged as a figure of fascination in an age when critics debate whether nonfiction has surpassed fiction as the preferred literary form, when scholars ponder whether “deconstruction” of texts and a post-modern worldview mean that truth is always relative and subjective, and when writers and scholars alike debate whether the categories that traditionally have kept up a barrier between the practice of journalism and the art of novel-writing should come down. Interestingly, there is no one better prepared than Defoe was to understand the ironic manner in which traditional terms (the facts of fiction, the fables of fact, the non-fiction novel) have been newly juxtaposed by contemporary literary analysts.2 As an innovator in the development of both the commercial newspaper and the modern novel, Defoe is the personification of the ground-breaking prose stylist and one of the earliest prototypes of the journalist-literary figure that is at the beginnings of both the journalistic and the fiction-writing tradition in the English language.
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