
The Rules Do Not Apply by Ariel Levy

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The Rules Do Not Apply by Ariel Levy

My favorite game when I was a child was Mummy and Explorer. My father and I would trade off roles: One of us had to lie very still with eyes closed and arms crossed over the chest, and the other had to complain, “I’ve been searching these pyramids for so many years when will I ever find the tomb of Tutankhamun?” (This was in the late seventies when Tut was at the Met, and we came in from the suburbs to visit him frequently.) At the climax of the game, the explorer stumbles on the embalmed Pharaoh and brace yourself  the mummy opens his eyes and comes to life. The explorer has to express shock, and then say, “So, what’s new?” To which the mummy replies, “You.” I was not big on playing house. I preferred make-believe that revolved

around adventure, starring pirates and knights. I was also domineering, impatient, relentlessly verbal, and, as an only child, often baffled by the mores of other kids. I was not a popular little girl. I played Robinson Crusoe in a small wooden fort my parents built from a kit in the backyard, where I sorted through the acorns and onion grass I gathered for sustenance. 

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To this day I feel comforted and relieved of loneliness, no matter how foreign my surroundings, if I have a pad and a pen. As a journalist, I’ve spent nearly two decades putting myself in foreign surroundings as frequently as possible. There is nothing I love more than traveling to a place where I know nobody, and where everything will be a surprise, and then writing about it. It’s like having a new lover even the parts you aren’t crazy about have the crackling fascination of the unfamiliar. The first story I ever published was about another world only an hour from my apartment. I was twenty-two, living in the East Village in a sixth-floor walk-up with a roommate and roaches, working as an assistant at New York agazine. 

Detail Buku:

Judul         : The Rules Do Not Apply
Penulis      :
Ariel Levy
Penerbit     : Random House New York
ISBN         :9780812996944
Tebal         :

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