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My Life with Bob: Flawed Heroine Keeps Book of Books, Plot Ensues by Pamela Paul

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My Life with Bob: Flawed Heroine Keeps Book of Books, Plot Ensues by Pamela Paul

When you’re a child, reading is full of rules. Books that are appropriate and books that are not, books that grown-ups will smile at you approvingly for cradling in your arms and those that will cause grimaces when they spy you tearing through their pages. There are books you’re not supposed to be reading, at least not just yet. There is a time and a place. But for me it felt like there was never enough time, and the place was elusive. Bringing a book of your own to school was a no-no, and not to recess either, where you were supposed to be getting balls thrown at your head. Carrying a book was practically against the law at summer camp, where downtime was for forced mass song. Children were meant to be running around, engaged in active, healthy play with other hardy boys and girls. I hated running around. Before every elementary school classroom had a “Drop Everything and Read” period, before parents and educators agonized more about children being glued to Call of Duty or getting sucked into the vortex of the Internet, reading as a childhood activity was not always revered.

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The default position. Everyone else had a passion; where was mine? How much happier I would have been to know that reading was itself a passion. Nobody treated it that way, and it didn’t occur to me to think otherwise.People laugh today at Roald Dahl’s idea that Matilda’s father would scream at his daughter to watch TV rather than slink off with a book, but there is a tiny sliver of truth to the satire, where, on the dark side of seventies benign neglect, parents didn’t run around boasting “She’s such a reader!” or try to bribe their kids into summer reading. You were supposed to be well rounded, not bookish. Reading too much hurt your eyes and made you need glasses. So did reading by poor light. My own bedside lamp, my mother pointed out, got especially hot and was a fire hazard. Reading in cars made you throw up.

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Judul         : My Life with Bob
Penulis      :
Pamela Paul
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